Studio Yotsuba Kimono & Yukata Project #2

Sometime ago, I started my kimono and yukata project where I experimented with making my own workable pattern, derived from a collation of various patterns. Am still experimenting, but I have since made some modifications to the initial working pattern after making a few test pieces.

In-between work, I made a couple more prototype pieces... Completed the rainbow-striped yukata (which Aoi Jamie is modelling), which is a prototype to one that I will be making as a gift for a friend.

Worked on an o-furisode (大振袖) with a chrysanthemum patterned fabric that I bought from etsy. It was not easy, picking the colour for the lining. I chose a pale lavender purple in the end, as I thought it'd be easier to later match the furisode with an obi.

Yui modelling the kiku o-furisode, and the obi test piece

Some time later, I tried making an obi with a lovely pale yellow satin brocade with a pattern of chrysanthemums. The obi turned out too wide, but the overall colour scheme is nice. Guess I'll just have to re-work the obi.

I'm working on Completed a ko-furisode (小振袖) of black cotton with clovers and pink clover flowers, but I'm not too happy with the end result. The clovers are a little too large, and don't show on the body of the furisode very well.

As it is now autumn, I had a look at autumn-themed fabric and decided to try making another o-furisode, which turned out quite lovely.
